Accreditation Information

The Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC) has accredited Georgia schools that meet its standards since 1904. Schools must complete an application and submit to an on-site visit by a GAC consultant to obtain GAC accreditation. In addition they must have a GAC consultant on-site visit every five years to maintain accreditation. The GAC recognizes four levels of accreditation: Preparation Status, Provisional Status, Accredited Status, and Accredited with Quality Status. Preparation Status is given to schools which have begun the process of applying the GAC standards and procedures. Provisional Status is given to schools which have begun applying GAC standards and procedures and have met standards in the areas of finances and administrator qualifications. Accreditation Status is given to schools which have met financial and administrator qualifications and have met at least 85% of the standards in each of the sections set by the GAC Board of Directors. A school is Accredited with Quality when it meets all of the standards which apply to Accreditation Status. The accreditation status of each school must be approved by the GAC Board of Directors. To learn more about GAC accreditation, click here.

AdvancED, formerly known as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), offers a voluntary accreditation process to educational institutions throughout the nation. The process combines stakeholder feedback and student performance to measure quality programs, relationships and results. Accredited schools must meet AdvancED Standards and accreditation policies, demonstrate quality assurance through internal and external review, and engage in continuous improvement. To learn more about AdvancED accreditation, click here.


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