Downloadable Data Explained - Attendance

What is the data source for attendance information?

Attendance data is provided by school districts to the Georgia Department of Education via the October full-time equivalency (FTE) count and the Student Record data collection.

Why is the number of students indicated on the graphs sometimes greater than the school enrollment for my school?

The enrollment data for the school system and the school is generated through the October FTE count. On the graphs, the number of students is the count of all students enrolled in a school or system for any duration during the academic year. This information is generated through the Student Date record.

How does GOSA show attendance data?

The graph shows the percentage of students absent 0 to 5 days, 6-15 days, and more than 15 days for all students and disaggregated by student subgroups. This graph is a distribution of the student population against days absent. The target is to have the majority of a school's population in the YELLOW bar. For students to maximize their benefit from school, they should be absent five days or less.

What is Chronic Absenteeism?

Chronic absenteeism is defined as a student missing 10 percent or more of enrolled days.


Schools are assigned indicator ratings of exemplary, acceptable, or unacceptable based on the following criteria:

Exemplary 5% or less of students absent more than 15 days
Acceptable Greater than 5% but less than 15% of students absent more than 15 days
Unacceptable Greater than 15% of students absent more than 15 days