Governor's School Leadership Academy
GSLA’s Vision

The Governor’s School Leadership Academy envisions a statewide network
- grounded in research-based practices,
- recognized as a model and employed at the regional, state, and national level,
- situated to inform state and local policy, and
- committed to positively impacting the teacher and leader workforce.
GSLA’s Mission
The Governor’s School Leadership Academy provides a comprehensive and equitable system of support to build the capacity of Georgia educators and leaders.
The Governor’s School Leadership Academy (GSLA) provides high-quality, selective, statewide leadership preparation and support designed to develop high-capacity school leaders across Georgia. Through strategic partnerships with other state agencies, Georgia universities, and local school districts, the GSLA helps to ensure that every Georgia school is led by transformational leaders capable of maximizing student achievement.
GSLA targets five levels of educational practice to support and develop educators in all phases of their careers – from induction to school and district leadership. The five components of the GSLA are designed to strengthen instructional and leadership practices in order to retain teachers in their first years of practice and to offer pathways for teachers to become transformational leaders in a variety of roles throughout their careers.
Choose your path: either GSLA Teacher Academies or GSLA Leader Academies.
GSLA Teacher Academies
♦ The Teacher Leader Support Program is delivered through the RESA Network and serves multiple cohorts of teachers with 5 or more years of experience who are interested in exploring leadership roles inside and outside of the classroom. Candidates are selected based on a rigorous application and interview process, and cohorts are established based on RESA districts.
♦ The Induction Teacher Support Program is delivered through the RESA Network and serves multiple cohorts of teachers in years 1-3 of practice. Candidates are selected within each RESA based on capacity and district interest.
GSLA Leader Academies
♦ The District Sustainability Program is delivered through the RESA Network. School districts who are invited to participate, will assemble a diverse team of central office and school-based leaders to engage in a year-long iterative planning process that supports the development and or refinement of their leadership development programs.
♦ The Principal Support Program serves principals who are currently leading a federally designated (CSI, TSI, Promise, Tier IV) school. Three cohorts are established each year that are aligned to the Georgia Department of Education’s School Improvement Regions.
♦ The Aspiring Principal Program is developed and facilitated by GSLA staff and includes educators who serve in Georgia school districts with at least one federally identified school, have 3 or more years of effective practice, and have an expressed desire to become a principal. Candidates are selected based on a rigorous recommendation, application, and interview process, and cohorts include educators from around the state.
Each GSLA program employs a four-pronged approach that incorporates:
- A network of support through cohort-based meetings designed to build knowledge on research and best practices,
- Professional job-embedded activities designed to allow participants to practice data-driven decision-making and develop each participant’s cultural competence,
- Coaching opportunities with former Georgia educators and principals who possess a track record of success in leading school improvement and developing effective educators, and
- Thought partnership with other educators working through similar challenges in a variety of contexts across the state.
These components reinforce the need for an instruction-focused, collaborative model of school leadership and establish a network of support for school leaders across the state.
For more information on the current cohorts, visit the links above or contact a member the GSLA team.
GSLA is proud of its strategic partnerships and is continually looking for opportunities to strengthen Georgia’s teacher and leader pipeline by ensuring alignment and consistency among teacher and leader preparation initiatives and by sharing resources among our partner organizations. GSLA strategic partners include:
- Gwinnett County Public Schools,
- The Office of School Improvement at the Georgia Department of Education,
- The College of Education at Georgia Southern University,
- The College of Education at Georgia State University,
- The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC),
- The Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL), and
- Georgia’s 16 Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESAs).