Georgia Literacy Resources
List of Literacy Resources
from the Georgia Children's Cabinet.
Augusta University Literacy Center
The AU Literacy Center serves all ages, pre-kindergarten through adults. Learners of all ages often start their tutoring sessions with reading abilities below grade level. Through intensive tutoring sessions they improve their grades, raise their test scores, learn productive study skills, build their academic self-confidence, and develop a heartfelt enthusiasm for learning.
Books for Keeps
Books for Keeps is a non-profit organization formed by University of Georgia alumni focused on helping younger students in the Athens-Clarke County Public School System.
Catholic Charities Atlanta
Catholic Charities provides English Language instruction classes at multiple locations throughout Atlanta. Our ESL and citizenship classes provide a key component for integrating into American society for both immigrants who have recently arrived and those who have been in this country for several years.
Certified Literate Community Program
67 Georgia Certified Literate Community Programs across the state. Click here for a downloadable file of all program locations. The Certified Literate Community Program (CLCP) promotes literacy in Georgia by involving the whole community. The CLCP is a partnership between the public sector (education and government) and the private sector (business and enterprise). This dynamic partnership results in improved literacy levels for children, families, and workers in the entire community. By making literacy a community-wide commitment, a diversity of key resources can then be realized to promote and support literacy training. Additional information on the Certified Literate Community Program can be found at
Cox Campus
The Cox Campus is a free online learning platform with the singular goal of eradicating illiteracy. The site offers an ecosystem to support language and literacy with resources for anyone committed to changing children’s futures. Resources are available for families; government agencies; healthcare; and for community groups, along with free literacy training resources for teachers.
Ferst Readers
Ferst Readers mission is strengthening communities by providing quality books and literacy resources for children and their families to use at home during the earliest stages of development.
GA Children's Cabinet
Printable resource list for families and community support organizations.
Georgia Literacy Commission
Adult Education e-Source for Certified Literate Community Programs (CLCP)
Gainesville-Hall County Alliance for Literacy
The Alliance for Literacy is the umbrella agency for all literacy concerns in the Gainesville community. The Alliance serves as the advisory board for the Adult Learning Center, whose fiscal agent is Lanier Technical College. The Center also provides free adult literacy instruction as well as English as a Second Language classes for all interested community members.
Georgia Center for Early Language and Literacy
The Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy is on a mission to improve the early language and literacy skills of Georgia’s children by providing research-based professional development for organizations working with children from birth through age eight.
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning presents tips for creating a writing center, creating a story station, finding books and information related to reading and language development and activities for reading readiness.
Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) – Communication, Language, and Literacy (CCL)
The GELDS promote quality learning experiences for children and address the question, “What should children from birth to age five know and be able to do?” They are a set of appropriate, attainable standards that are flexible enough to support children’s individual rates of development, approaches to learning, and cultural context.
Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Service (GLASS)
425,000+ digital books from Bookshare for individuals who have blindness, low vision, dyslexia, or other complications with reading.
Georgia Public Library Service
Georgia Public Library Service empowers libraries to improve the lives of all Georgians.
Get Georgia Reading
Get Georgia Reading is a collaboration of more than 100 public and private partners that are finding new ways of working together across Georgia, across sectors, across agencies and organizations, and across the early years and early grades, using data to inform decision making.
GPB Kids
GPB Kids is an online resource featuring the best of PBS Kids shows and programs for parents and caregivers 24 hours a day!
Laurens County Schools – Parent Literacy Resources
Located in Dublin, GA, Laurens County Schools are student-centered communities of learners that challenge students to become independent critical thinkers, problem solvers, and contributing citizens. Rigor, Relevance, & Relationships… Every teacher, Every student, Every day.
Literacy Action
Literacy Action is committed to helping adult learners overcome the barriers that may prevent them from achieving their goals. Literacy Action is now the oldest, largest, and leading adult basic education nonprofit in the Southeastern United States.
Literacy Alliance
The Literacy Alliance is a non-profit organization based out of Columbus, GA. Our programs reach a wide variety of people, but they are all focused on one message: increasing literacy levels.
Literacy For All
Awareness videos, one-sheets, and Deloitte study on Literacy in Georgia
Literacy for Learning, Living and Leading in Georgia (L4GA) Grant
Literacy for Learning, Living, and Leading (L4) is the state’s framework for action around improving student outcomes for reading. Created by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), Literacy for Learning, Living, and Leading (L4) plan will ensure that all children are on the path to reading proficiently by 3rd grade and beyond.
Reach Out and Read Georgia
Reach Out and Read Georgia gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.
RESA Growing Readers Initiative
Growing Readers is a K-3 literacy professional learning grant administered through the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement. The program aims to provide consistent and high-quality professional learning to teachers on effective reading instruction to help more children read at grade level by the end of third grade.
Rollins Center for Language and Literacy, and the Cox Campus
The Rollins Center for Language & Literacy is a professional development program that partners with over 100 public and private organizations to bring the Atlanta Speech School’s expertise in language and literacy to teachers across our city, state and nation. Rollins applies the philosophies and practices of the Atlanta Speech School and amplifies them outward through the Cox Campus – a free, universally-accessible online resource and community for educators, healthcare agencies, families and child-facing professionals.
Southern Regional Education Board - Engaging ELA Instruction
The best way to improve writing, speaking and vocabulary skills is through literature. Studying literature also teaches students about their past, other cultures and broadens their horizons and view of the world. It entertains too!
Talk With Me Baby
Talk With Me Baby™ is a collaboration of six leadership organizations, all working to bring the concept of language nutrition into public awareness and educate caregivers on the importance of talking with their baby every day, in an effort to close the word gap.