Dashboards, Data, Report Card
Data Dashboards
GOSA develops education data dashboards to serve as resources for educators, parents, and community members. GOSA has released the Georgia Higher Learning and Earnings Dashboard, the High School Graduate Outcomes Dashboard, K12 Student Discipline Dashboard, and the Schools Like Mine Dashboard.
Downloadable Data
The Report Card allows education stakeholders to examine education statistics for individual schools and districts. In some cases, stakeholders may require school- and district-level data for all schools. To meet this need, GOSA provides downloadable spreadsheets with school-level data for all schools across Georgia.
Georgia School Grades Reports
The Georgia School Grades Reports website provides school reports for all public elementary, middle, and high schools in Georgia. The reports include A-F letter grades based on school performance as well as other information about schools, such as performance on state tests, the make-up of the student body, and the graduation rate. The purpose of these reports is to help parents, students, educators, and communities understand how their local schools are performing and focus improvement efforts on the most critical challenges.
Report Card
As part of its mission, GOSA presents its annual report on Georgia's public education agencies. The Report Card was developed in compliance with both state and federal laws with the intent of measuring school performance as it pertains to the goals of student achievement and school completion. The report card includes school, system, and state level reports, which provide valuable information to educators, parents, students, and stakeholders.
Presentation [2022] GA AWARDS and GOSA's Policy Research and Evaluation teams are meeting with education and community leaders across the state to demonstrate and discuss how educational leaders could use a variety of GOSA’s data dashboards, including the Report Card and School Grades, when making data driven decisions in their systems. Presentations have been made so far to the 2022 GAEL Conference in Jekyll Island, as well as to meetings organized by the Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) around the state. (for more information contact Joy Hawkins)
Statewide Longitudinal Data System (GA•AWARDS)
GA•AWARDS is the state’s Pre-K through workforce (P20W) longitudinal data system. It is comprised of student- and teacher-level records from participating state agencies with the goal of linking and providing meaningful, actionable education and workforce data to participating agencies in support of research and informed decision-making.
(Data Requests - Stakeholders can request aggregate data not available via the Report Card or aggregate data prior to the 2010-2011 academic year from GOSA. Eligible researchers affiliated with a Georgia higher education institution may submit a request for GA•AWARDS individual-level data.)