Data Dashboards
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K-12 Student Discipline Dashboard
The Discipline Dashboard summarizes district- and school-level discipline data for all public schools in Georgia. Aggregate data is provided on in- and out-of-school suspension rates, expulsion, the total number of disciplinary incidents, and the total number of students receiving disciplinary action. Data used in this dashboard are limited to data present in GA•AWARDS or received from GADOE.
High School Graduate Outcomes Dashboard
This dashboard shows what high school graduates do after graduation. For each public high school, this interactive dashboard shows:
- The percentage of graduates enrolled in college/university or working,
- The top in-state and out-of-state colleges by enrollment, and
- The percentage of students who earn a credential or degree within five years.
Georgia Higher Learning and Earnings Dashboard
The Georgia Higher Learning and Earnings (GHLE) project provides information on earnings information for Georgia technical college and college/university graduates who work in Georgia after earning their degrees. The project includes an interactive dashboard, report, and summary of findings that explore earnings patterns by degree type, program of study/major, and technical college and college/university.
Schools Like Mine Dashboard
The Schools Like Mine application allows parents, educators, and community members to find schools with similar student populations to their school. It also lists the school’s letter grade and College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) to allow for comparison of performance between the “like” schools.