K-12 Student Discipline Dashboard
The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s K-12 Student Discipline Dashboard offers district- and school-level discipline data for all public schools in Georgia from 2014-2021. The dashboard utilizes data from Georgia’s Academic and Workforce Analysis and Research Data System (GA•AWARDS) to examine discipline data by incident type and demographic subgroup. Stakeholders can use the dashboard to better understand trends in school discipline and address discipline issues.
Aggregate data is provided on in- and out-of-school suspension rates, expulsion, the total number of disciplinary incidents, and the total number of students receiving disciplinary action. Data used in this dashboard are limited to data present in GA•AWARDS or received from GADOE.

to download as a pdf.
- The downloadable PDF document above shows the major functions of the dashboard.
- The dashboard can be used in combination with the Schools Like Mine Dashboard to compare discipline rates at schools with similar demographic data.
- The dashboard can be used in combination with the School Grades Reports website to better understand a school’s academic performance and School Climate Star Rating.
- School- and district-level officials can use information from the dashboard to inform discipline policies.
Dashboard Functions
- The dashboard displays information on the count of disciplinary incidents, in addition to student suspension and expulsion rates for 2014-2021.
- Users can view data by six demographic subgroups: grade level, disability status, economic status, English Learner status, gender, and race/ethnicity.
- An interactive incident-to-action flow chart shows the disciplinary actions schools took in response to each discipline incident type. The chart is broken down by race/ethnicity and gender, and it allows users to click select sections of the flow chart for more detailed information.