
Link to virtually join the meeting: https:/  Password: Kennesaw63
Time Topic Speaker(s)
9:30 AM
Council Member Networking Breakfast
10:00 AM
Adrian Epps, Dean, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University
Opening Remarks
Burt Jones, Lieutenant Governor
Richard Woods, School Superintendent, Georgia Department of Education
Dayle Burns, First Lady of the House of Representatives
10:20 AM
Chairman's Remarks, Council Member Introductions, and Approval of Minutes from August 7 and Agenda for October 17
Scott Johnson, Chair, Georgia Council on Literacy
"The State of Literacy in Georgia"
Bill Reed, Partner, Deloitte
10:40 AM
State Data and Analysis
Caitlin Dooley
11:05 - 11:15 AM
Mississippi Experience
Carey Wright, Former Superintendent of Education, MS; Consultant, ExcelinEd
12:00 PM
Marietta City Schools' Experience
Grant Rivera, Superintendent, Marietta City Schools
12:35 PM
Council Working Groups' Reports
Birth Through Five Years Old
Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Teacher Professional Development
Community Engagement
1:00 PM
Council Member Activities
Vision and Hearing Screening - Ellen Wiley
Deal Center Report on Screeners - Dr. Lindee Morgan
Other Council Members' Activities and Discussion
1:45 PM
Closing Remarks
Miranda Williams, Georgia Literacy Coach, Governor's Office of Student Achievement
Scott Johnson
2:00 PM


Next Meeting:  Virtual, November 15, 2023, 10 – 12:00 p.m.

A link to the meeting will be posted at