Governor's School Leadership Academy Evaluation Reports
Current Evaluations
School Leadership Academy (GSLA) - 2019-20 - End of Year Report
About GSLA
The Governor’s School Leadership Academy (GSLA) provides high-quality, selective, statewide leadership preparation and support designed to develop high-capacity school leaders across Georgia. Through strategic partnerships with other state agencies, Georgia universities, and local school districts, the GSLA helps to ensure that every Georgia school is led by transformational leaders capable of maximizing student achievement.
GSLA targets five levels of educational practice to support and develop educators in all phases of their careers – from induction to school and district leadership. The five components of the GSLA are designed to strengthen instructional and leadership practices in order to retain teachers in their first years of practice and to offer pathways for teachers to become transformational leaders in a variety of roles throughout their careers.
Find more information on this page:
Governor's School Leadership Academy Program Overview