Retired Georgia Assessments
What are the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT)?
The CRCT program was retired after the 2013-2014 Summer Retest administration. The Georgia Milestones Assessment System has replaced the CRCT beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. The Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) were state-mandated end-of-year assessments. These tests were designed to measure how well students have mastered the content and skills unique to Georgia's Performance Standards (GPS). The CRCT item format was selected-response. Based on performance, students were classified as:- For these assessments:
- Scores below 800 - "Does Not Meet Expectations;"
- Scores from 800 to 849 - "Meets Expectations;"
- Scores at or above 850 - "Exceeds Expectations."
Retest scores are included in CRCT performance measures which appear in the Report Card.
- For these assessments:
What are the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests-Modified (CRCT-M)?
The CRCT program was retired after the 2013-2014 Summer Retest administration. The Georgia Milestones Assessment System has replaced the CRCT beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. The CRCT-M was a grade level alternate assessment for eligible students who receive special education services. The CRCT-M assessed the same grade-level Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) as the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT), and was available in the content areas of reading, English language arts, and mathematics in grades 3 through 8. Retest scores were included in CRCT-M performance measures which appear in the Report Card and Georgia's Education Scoreboard.- For GPS based assessments:
- Scores below 300 - "Does Not Meet Expectations;"
- Scores from 300 to 329 - "Meets Expectations;"
- Scores at or above 330 - "Exceeds Expectations."
- For GPS based assessments:
What is the Eighth Grade Writing Assessment?
The Eighth Grade Writing Assessment program was retired after the 2014 administration. The Georgia Milestones Assessment System has replaced the EGWA beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. The Eighth Grade Writing Assessment was previously administered each January. Students demonstrated writing ability by responding to an expository or persuasive writing topic. Student writing was assessed analytically on four domains: Ideas, Organization, Style, and Conventions. There were three performance levels represented: Below Target (100-199), On Target (200-249) and Exceeds Target (250+). -
What is the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)?
On Monday, March 30, 2015, Governor Nathan Deal signed House Bill 91 into law, thereby creating a new code section, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-281.1. This law became effective upon the Governor's signature.This law provides that students shall no longer be required to earn a passing score on the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) to earn a high school diploma. As a result, the GHSWT is no longer administered.
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) formerly administered the GHSWT to evaluate a student’s writing performance at the high school level. Former high school diploma requirements mandated that a student must achieve a passing score on the GHSWT as well as on each subject area test of the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT). If a student did not pass the writing test, then he/she was retested. There were two performance levels represented: Fail and Pass.
What are the End-of-Course Tests (EOCT)?
The EOCT program was retired after the November 2014 Mid-Month administration. The Georgia Milestones Assessment System has replaced the EOCT beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.The A Plus Education Reform Act of 2000, O.C.G.A. §20-2-281, mandated that the State Board of Education adopt end-of-course assessments in grades nine through twelve for core subjects to be determined by the State Board of Education. The End-of-Course Testing (EOCT) program was comprised of eight content area assessments:
- English Language Arts
- Ninth Grade Literature and Composition
- American Literature and Composition
- Mathematics
- Math I/Coordinate Algebra
- Math II/Analytic Geometry
- Science
- Biology
- Physical Science
- Social Studies
- United States History
- Economics/Business/Free Enterprise
The EOCT was administered three times each school year in the fall, spring, and summer.
Performance on the EOCT was described as a scale score and performance level as indicated below:
- For GPS based assessments:
- Scores below 400 - "Does Not Meet Expectations;"
- Scores from 400 to 449 - "Meets Expectations;"
- Scores at or above 450 - "Exceeds Expectations."
- English Language Arts
What are the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT)?
Formerly, the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) administered the GHSGT to evaluate student performance at the high school level for students who entered ninth grade for the first time between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2011. (The GHSGT is not administered to students who have entered high school after July 1, 2011.) The tests include assessments in the areas of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Previous high school diploma requirements mandated that a student must achieve a passing score in each subtest of the GHSGT, as well as on the Georgia High School Writing Test, as referenced in State Board Rule 160-3-1-.07, Testing Programs - Student Assessment. If a student dID not pass a subject's test, then he/she WAS retested in that subject area. A student haD multiple opportunities to take each subject's test. The four core subject tests are scored Fail, Pass, Advanced and Honors.