SWSS Archives
Revised SWSS Baseline and Targets by School
(downloadable file)
SWSS Georgia Test Directors Presentation (Published January 2019)
2018 Revised SWSS Baseline and Targets by School (Published December 2018)
2017 SWSS Evaluation Results (Published January 2018)
One SWSS Presentation to SBOE (Presented January 2018, updated March 2018)
Investing in Educational Excellence (IE2) Systems Historical
House Bill 1209 (2008) allowed school districts the option to Investing in Educational Excellence (IE2) Systems that allowed them increased flexibility in exchange for additional accountability. House Bill 502, which went into effect on July 1, 2015, provided that districts under the previous IE2 flexibility option will henceforth be known as Strategic Waivers School Systems (SWSS).
IE2 Performance Reports
Gwinnett County and Forsyth County were the first IE2 districts. 2009-2010 was the first year GOSA evaluated the performance of schools in these districts as part of the IE2 contract. The evaluations for schools in Rabun County began in 2011-2012.
Evaluation Policy for original IE2 districts
(Prior to July 2015)
(updated September 9, 2013)
2009-2010 IE2 Evaluation
2010-2011 SIE2 Evaluation
Gwinnett County (Updated September 2013)
Forsyth County
2011-2012 IE2 Evaluation
2013 Results Presentation to the State Board of Education
(August 22, 2013)
2012-2013 IE2 Evaluation
2014 Results Presentation to the State Board of Education
(June 12, 2014)
2013-2014 IE2 Evaluation
2015 Results Presentation to the State Board of Education
(May 6, 2015)