Innovation in Teaching Competition
2017-2018 Innovation in Teaching Competition
The Innovation in Teaching Competition promoted excellence in the classroom by: (a) recognizing and rewarding Georgia’s most effective educators, and (b) making examples of their practices available to Georgia’s teachers and leaders on the Georgia Public Broadcasting website.
The grant competition focused on teachers that excel in one of the following priority areas:
- Applied Learning & STEAM;
- Birth to Age Eight Language & Literacy;
- Blended & Personalized Learning; or
- Innovative Practice to Close the Achievement Gap.
What did each winner receive?
- $5,000 stipend for serving as a model educator;
- $10,000 grant to support innovative practices in his/her school; and
- Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) filmed his/her classroom and made the video, along with his/her unit plan and supplementary materials, available online for other teachers.
Application Process
Teachers had to be recommended by a principal, assistant principal, instructional coach, district staff member, or GaDOE staff (Teacher and Leader Effectiveness, School Improvement or Curriculum). Based on these recommendations, GOSA invited select teachers to apply.
Teachers who were invited to apply had to submit material in two phases:
If Invited to Participate in Phase One |
If Invited to Participate in Phase Two |
What was the timeframe for the competition?
August 2nd |
Recommendation Form Opens |
September 4th |
Recommendation Form Closes |
By September 6th |
Select Teachers Invited to Apply for Phase One |
October 8th |
Phase One Applications Due |
By October 26th |
Select Teachers Invited to Apply for Phase Two |
November 23rd |
Phase Two Applications Due |
Mid-January 2018 |
Winners Announced |
About the Innovation in Teaching Competition
The Innovation in Teaching Competition began as part of Georgia’s Race to the Top plan to create and support highly-effective teachers. The competition promoted excellence in the classroom through two main goals: (a) recognizing and rewarding educators from across our state who are using innovative strategies to advance student achievement, and (b) making videos of the winning teachers, along with their unit plans and supplementary materials, available on Georgia Public Broadcasting’s website. Since 2013, the Innovation in Teaching Competition recognized over 50 educators from across Georgia.